Round 7 Wrap up

Hi All, Results and Standings after Round 7 are now available. This week will be the last week for the 15yr Reps participating in the Seniors Div 1 comp. so, we wish them luck, along with the 17yr Rep team who will travel to Senior State Titles at Bankstown over the long weekend. Have a…

Round 6 Wrap up

Hi All, Please refer to the results page for the Provisional Results and Standings after Round 6. Weather forecasts for this weekend is a bit unsettled so please watch our Facebook page for any updates regarding games etc. It has been unfortunate that we have had a number of incidents of unacceptable behaviour in and…


Reminder: Codes of Behaviour

Hi All,

I am asking all players, coaches, managers, scorers, parents, guardians, spectators and officials to remind themselves of the Codes of Behaviour we have adopted and have in place in and around the courts. They are there to make for a safe environment for everyone coming to netball on Saturdays. We want everyone to enjoy the experience. Please take the time to review the codes and ask yourself if you can ensure you follow them and if not, please do not come to the courts. I am confident that the vast majority of our members and their families are doing the right thing. It is just a small group that are finding it difficult to comply and making Saturday netball unpleasant for the others.

Round 4 Wrap Up

Hi All, Please find attached the provisional results and standings after Round 4 of the competition. We were very lucky to have the sun shine for us on Saturday so that games could go ahead. Still working the Kangaroos around with Court 8 out of action, so some games will be moved across to the…

Round 3 Wrap Up

Hi All, We had one game last weekend where neither team remembered to collect a scoresheet, so the game wasn’t scored. The result was that both teams agreed to make it a draw (nil all) so they had no scores recorded but the game counts. While the team listed first on the draw is responsible…

Scoresheet Process

Scoresheet Process

Hi All, Just a reminder about scoresheets and filling them in: 1. Scoresheets should be collected by the scorer for the team listed first on the draw. ( excluding modified games where both teams need a “scoresheet”).2. That person should be the only person that handles the scoresheet. They fill in the top with team…

Round 1 Wrap Up

Hi All, Welcome back to Netball for 2021. Hope everyone has had a great off season and  enjoyed the holidays. I know we have had two weeks of play but it is still early days into the year and Ted and I missed week one because of our holiday. I would just like to thank…