Please find below Provisional Results and Standings after Round 6. A cross check of the standings has not yet been completed but should be done by Saturday, so you can check the notice board at the clubhouse to see where teams are standing going into the last round.
Please remember, the games this Saturday are not the last games for the season. All teams will progress either to the formal series of finals (teams 1-4 on the table after Round 7) or the consolation series of finals (teams 5-8 on the table after Round 7).
You will need to watch Facebook/ website for who you play after this week of games, in weeks 8, 9 and 10.
Last Saturday’s. “Go Yellow” went really well at the courts with the Beachettes club donating $200 and the Association adding another $100 donation to start things off. In total we raised $847.70 for the Gezza Cares initiative towards mental health. Great job everyone!
Shortly we will be call for Expression of Interests from coaches, managers and players for next year’s representative teams which starts with our train-on squads. More details are to come but notifications will be posted on Facebook and the website and emails (through email addresses on Mynetball) will be sent out. So please check those places for information and help us by keeping your Mynetball personal information up-to-date, especially the email address. It is an important tool for us to use in contacting members.
Have a great week! Stay Safe!