Hi All,

I am asking all players, coaches, managers, scorers, parents, guardians, spectators and officials to remind themselves of the Codes of Behaviour we have adopted and have in place in and around the courts. They are there to make for a safe environment for everyone coming to netball on Saturdays. We want everyone to enjoy the experience. Please take the time to review the codes and ask yourself if you can ensure you follow them and if not, please do not come to the courts. I am confident that the vast majority of our members and their families are doing the right thing. It is just a small group that are finding it difficult to comply and making Saturday netball unpleasant for the others.

However, it is unfortunate, but we have had a number of incidents of unacceptable behaviour in and around the courts from both players, spectators and some bench officials reported to us by team members and umpires over the last couple of weeks. Please, to those people who may have gone a bit too far, please remember that a visit to netball on Saturdays should be a pleasant experience, a time to catch up with friends, relieve the stress of the week and have some fun. We are not playing for the “World Cup”, for many of the players their participation is just for exercise and fun.

Being serious about what has happened, I must remind you and ask you remind your teams and all parties associated with those teams, that there are Codes of Behaviour in place. Everyone signing up should have made themselves aware of the Codes and ticked the box that they agree to abide by the rules that govern this competition, which includes agreeing to the Codes of Behaviour. I have attached the most relevant ones for everyone to review.

Please note, breaches of the Codes have serious implications from being suspended from play – if a player is sent off for any reason (including bad language), to being asked to leave the playing area, or being barred from coming altogether for spectators/bench officials etc. that may exhibit bad, unacceptable sideline behaviour. Please note, bench officials can also be asked by the umpire to refrain from derogatory comments and teams can be penalised. There are a whole swathe of consequence, so PLEASE review the Codes and just STOP and THINK before saying or doing anything that you might regret. We just want everyone to enjoy coming to netball, watch the game and let the players just have some fun – really the result is just second place and there is always next week.

Please take our request on board and let’s get back to just having some fun at netball on Saturdays!

Many Thanks

Rhonda Beedles
Kiama Netball Association Inc