Please find below the results for the Semi-Finals held on Saturday and the Draw for the Finals next Saturday, 9th September. Please note winners of the Major Semi-Finals progress directly through to the Grand Finals to be held Saturday week, 16th September.

We would appreciate it if you could remind your spectators of the following points:

  1. The courts are a “Dog Free Zone”. There is Kiama Council signage at the courts reflecting this request. As much as we all love our furry friends, they can be scary for some of our members plus they do get a bit noisy when people around them are shouting. We also have the problem of having some getting very close to the court and we do not want to see a player or an umpire accidentally tripping on a pet or its lead. We respectfully ask that they stay at home if you are coming to the courts to watch a game.
  2. We must remind all spectators and parents of the NNSW Codes of Behaviour which can be found on the Netball NSW website:

Final CLEAN – NNSW Codes of Behaviours – 091121.pdf ( .

       3. INDOOR GAMES:  All spectators must go upstairs unless special  permission has been granted by the KNA Committee. ONLY team    members, team officials (5 max), match officials (umpires), technical officials (timekeepers and scorers) and KNA Officials are allowed in the playing area at all times.

            We must remind spectators upstairs that they are still bound by the Codes of Behaviour and are also reminded they are required to adhere to the Leisure Centre’s Codes of Behaviour while in the venue or they may be requested to leave the venue. 

        4. We request that spectators outside, stay back from the “run off area” around the sidelines and goal lines of the court to ensure the safety of the players, the umpires and themselves. We do not want anyone getting injured because they have got too close to the action.

If you could please pass the requests onto your teams participating next Saturday, we would appreciate you assistance. It will ensure a pleasant experience for everyone attending and make life easier for the Committee.

Good luck to all the teams!

Kiama Netball Association Inc.